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Journal of Sustainable Civil Engineering (JOSCE) is published biannually, in April and Oktober, by Universitas Banten Jaya. JOSCE aims to:
JOSCE welcomes papers with the above aims and scopes. The editorial board decides papers to be published in JOSCE after review by reviewers appointed by the board. Authors will be advised of reviewers' comments and suggestions. Papers previously presented in a conference not specifically associated with Universitas Banten Jaya Publication will be considered. In such cases, a copyright release may be necessary. Papers of a tutorial or historical nature will not be excluded from consideration.
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© 2019-2024 JOSCE: Journal of Sustainable Civil Engineering
Ini adalah artikel akses terbuka yang didistribusikan di bawah persyaratan Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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