This research designs and makes a software that helps village officials in managing the village data such as data processing of domicile certificate, move and business license. With this application allows information to be conveyed to the village community can be more quickly received through the SMS Gateway feature. Villagers are also easy to see the status of the various letters that have been done, because it can be monitored online. With this software villagers can download information about the village, the various requirements for mail processing as well as other important information. When there is information to be conveyed quickly to masyarakatpun can be delivered quickly through the SMS Gateway feature because the average villager now has a handphone.Perangkat is developed using Waterfall method
Ibnu. 2012, Aplikasi E-Tilang Pada Tablet Sistem Operasi Berbasis Android, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Depok, Jakarta.
Indra dan Dian. 2011, Program Aplikasi Berbasis Wap Untuk Peningkatan Akuntabilitas Sistem Tilang Pelanggaran Tata Tertib Lalu Lintas Di Wilayah Polres Majalengka, Ict-Stmik Ikmi, Vol 1-No. 1 Edisi Juli 2011, Majalengka.
Ridar, Ardianto dan Yohana. 2013, Aplikasi Surat Tilang Berbasis Android Menggunakan Teknologi Near Field Communication (NFC), Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi Terapan 2013 (Semantik 2013), ISBN: 979-26-0266-6, Pekanbaru
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