P-ISSN : 2775-3859
E-ISSN : 2775-3840
Focus and Scope
Journal of Baja Health Science (JOUBAHS) is an open-access journal published by Health Administration Department, Universitas Banten Jaya as scientific journal to accommodate current topics related to preventive and promotive measures to enhance the health of the public through a scientific approach applying a variety of technique. The journal has accredited Sinta 5 (Peringkat Sinta 5). This journal is published as a platform for the academics and health practitioners in spreading informations about the development of science and technology in health sector.
This focus includes areas and scopes such as biostatistics, epidemiology, health education and promotion, health policy and administration, environmental health, public health nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, and occupational health and safety.
The journal employs a peer-review mechanism where each submitted article should be anonymously reviewed by expert peers appointed by the editor. Articles published in this journal could be in form of the original article and invited article (brief reports, case reports, opinion articles, commentaries, editorials, and correspondence).
P-ISSN : 2775-3859
E-ISSN : 2775-3840
LP3M (Lembaga Pengembangan, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat)
Jl. Syekh Moh. Nawawi Albantani Kp. Boru Kecamatan Curug
Phone: (0254) 217066