The research conducted refers to the problems found when the authors made observations at MTsN 6 Agam.
This is motivated by difficulties in handling queues during the process of borrowing books, the limited
number of printed books in the library so that they cannot borrow and read books. There is limited time for
borrowing books at the library and it takes quite a long time in the process of borrowing books. Given these
problems, the authors designed a mobile-based e-Library application at MTsN 6 Agam. The purpose of this
research is to produce a mobile-based e-library application that can be used properly, practically, and
effectively. The author uses the “Research and Development”(R&D) or development method. The
development model used is the prototype. The results of this study are in the form of a mobile-based e-library
application with the Android operating system that can be used by students and teachers wherever and
whenever they are. The results of the validity test were carried out by three expert examiners, namely experts
getting a value of 0.91 with valid criteria, then the results of the practicality test conducted by two examiners,
namely getting a score of 98% with very practical criteria. Furthermore, the results of the effectiveness test
conducted by fifteen examiners, namely students at MTsN 6 Agam, obtained an average score of 0.89 with
a very high category.
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