Pembuatan Limbah Cangkang Melinjo Menjadi Briket Di Desa Pasir Waru Kecamatan Mancak
The aim of the Community Service Program “Kuliah Kerja Nyata” Skills Training is to improve the skills of the people of Desa Pasirwaru Kec. Mancak. The partners of this activity are the Melinjo emping craftsmen community in the village of Pasirwaru, Kec. Mancak. The problem faced is not knowing the use of melinjo shells to produce products that are useful and have a sale value. The method of implementing this service is through (1) Surveying through observation, interviews, and analysis of village problems and potentials, (2) Training on making briquettes from melinjo shells. The result of this program is to increase the community's knowledge and skills regarding the processing of melinjo shell waste into briquettes, this program is expected to facilitate the community in improving their knowledge and skills in treating existing waste.
Jurnal Studi Uji Karakteristik Fisis Briket Bioarang Sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif. Online Jurnal of Natural Science, Vol.3(1): 89-98 ISSN: 2338-0950 March 2014.
Jurnal, Kajian Kualitas Briket Biomassa dari Sekam Padi dan Tempurung Kelapa , Jurnal Kimia VALENSI: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Ilmu Kimia, 2 (2), November 2016, 136-142.
Jurnal, Pembuatan Briket Bioarang Dari Cangkang Dan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit, Jurnal Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Vol. VI, No.2, Agustus 2013.