Pro Patria: Jurnal Pendidikan, Kewarganegaraan, Hukum, Sosial, dan Politik <p><strong>Pro Patria:&nbsp;</strong>Jurnal Pendidikan, Kewarganegaraan, Hukum, Sosial, dan Politik is a journal that contains scientific articles related to Education, Citizenship, Law, Social, and Politics. The contents of the articles in this journal are articles of scientific research results, conceptual articles based on the author's ideas or ideas, articles on theory applications, and articles on scientific thinking.</p> en-US (Ade Millatus Sa'adiyyah) (Aryanti Dwi Untari M.Pd) Wed, 16 Oct 2024 08:16:51 +0000 OJS 60 IMPLEMENTASI PENANGANAN GELANDANGAN DAN PENGEMIS TERHADAP KETERTIBAN UMUM DI KOTA SERANG <p><em>Serang City is one of the areas that has social problems, in this case the presence of homeless people and beggars which is quite disturbing for public order. In an effort to deal with this, it has been regulated in Serang City Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2010 concerning Prevention, Eradication, Management of Disease and Society, However, if you look at the current reality, there is no visible decrease in the number of homeless people and beggars on the streets, in fact homeless people and beggars are increasing every year. This research aims to determine and analyze the implementation of handling homeless people and beggars on public order in Serang City in accordance with Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2010 and to find out and analyze sanctions for regulating public order towards homeless people and beggars in Serang City. This research uses a qualitative method in the form of observing phenomena that occur in society in depth. This type of research uses empirical juridical, an approach based on data obtained directly from the community as the first source through field research, which is carried out either through observations, interviews. as well as by reviewing statutory regulations. The results of this research show that: (1) Regional Work Units have not implemented the Regional Regulations optimally so that there has not been a reduction in the number of homeless people and beggars, (2) Existing sanctions in accordance with the applicable Regional Regulations have not been implemented for homeless people and beggars</em></p> Siti Kamila Khaerunnisa, Rokilah Rokilah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 08 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENERAPAN PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS SCAFFOLDING TERHADAP CARA BERPIKIR KREATIF SISWA KELAS VIII-2 SMP NEGERI 12 KOTA TANGGERANG SELATAN <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><em>Learning requires a process, including when students learn something, it requires a process of creative thinking so that a teacher's assistance is needed by students. This research aims to see how the scaffolding-based learning process is applied to students' creative thinking, especially in subjects of Pancasila. The target of this research is class VIII-2 students at SMPN 12 South Tanggerang City, using a qualitative approach research method through the stages of observation, interviews, and documentation carried out by the researcher. From the results of this research, the application of scaffolding-based learning to students' creative thinking can be successful, said to be successful because, with scaffolding-based learning, students who previously did not know and could not finally know can do so with gradual assistance from educators gradually students can learn it independently and by themselves students can easily understand the learning material so that enable students to think more creatively.</em></p> lina marlina ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 08 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 URGENSI PERJANJIAN PRANIKAH SEBAGAI KESEPAKATAN AWAL SUATU PERKAWINAN DAN AKIBAT HUKUM BAGI AHLI WARIS <p>Abstract&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>A marriage agreement (prenup) is a form of agreement made between one party and another party before holding a wedding ceremony to validate the two as husband and wife. Household issues related to property are closely related to marriage agreements (pre-nuptials). The existence of a marriage agreement (pre-nup) is intended to avoid wealth inequality in household relationships. The aim of this research is to study, analyze and provide a general view to the public regarding marriage (pre-nup) agreements. The research method used is qualitative research through a case study approach using legislation as regulations and also processing data through cases that have occurred as research references. The function and benefits of marriage agreements (pre-nuptials) as a guideline that regulates the rights and obligations of husband and wife regarding the future of the family, whether regarding children's education, business, etc. residence, etc. as long as it does not conflict with law and morality. Protect family members from the threat of domestic violence.</p> Andreas Andrie Djatmiko, Gisela Anantasia, R. Soebolo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 08 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERIHAL ANAK ANGKAT DAN KEWARISANNYA DALAM PERUNDANG UNDANGAN <p><strong><em>Abstract </em></strong></p> <p><em>&nbsp;Adopted children are defined by some societies in which adopted children are sometimes viewed as common in a family. The factor of adoption as having a family relationship, as well as complete absence of status with the child, is considered one of the most substantial reasons for basing adoption. Of course in law, the adoption of a child would stipulate a new law in the family position, one of which was concerning his sanity. This paper USES a type of normative sociative juxtative study where research refers to law as a living and developing norm in societies the data type is library research, where data is reviewed from library studies, analyzing a wide range of sources/literature. </em><em>The data analysis is presented by analytic analytic methods, which are presented in the form of descriptions, statements, and not Numbers. The result states that the position of adopted children/parents to the law of heirs who are both inheritors, according to the compilation of islamic law adopted children/adoptive children have the right to receive a 1/3 compulsory will if adopted children do not receive the inheritance. If in addition to Islam, ramming can be governed by the laws of its indigenous two, or if it chooses to submit to civil law.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;Keywords: heir, adopted son, law, Islam</em></strong></p> fitria agustin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 08 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Partisipasi Pemilih Pemula Pada Pemilihan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Tahun 2024 <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>In presidential elections or head of state elections, of course, the people have the right to participate in politics both in voting and being elected. General elections or elections are still considered the most tangible form of public participation in the administration of government. One of them is participation through social media which is often used by teenagers who are also known as </em><em>beginner</em><em> voters. With the development of the age, social media has become a part of daily life, especially for the younger generation. This study aims to find out whether there is an influence of social media on the participation of novice voters in the presidential election, to find out how much influence social media has on the participation of the presidential election, and to find out what factors can affect the participation of novice voters in the presidential and vice presidential elections. This research method uses a quantitative method by conducting a survey by distributing a questionnaire in the form of a google form to social media users who follow the social media accounts of the Tangerang Regency General Election Commission (KPU). The sample used consisted of novice voters aged 17-21 years who actively used social media and followed the social media accounts of the General Election Commission (KPU) of Tangerang Regency. Based on the hypothesis test using the F test, Fcal = (</em><em>0.515</em><em>) &gt; F table (4.56) is obtained, because Fcal &gt; Ftable, Hâ‚€ is rejected and Ha is rejected with a significance of 0.000 &lt; 0.05. So it can be interpreted that simultaneously (Together) there is a positive and insignificant influence between the variables of Social Media and Beginner Voters on the Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections</em>.</p> Toni Anwar Mahmud, Eka Tri Puspita Sari, E. Nita Prianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 08 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Membangun Wawasan Global Warga Negara Muda melalui Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Global di Indonesia <p>This article aims to describe the global insights of young citizens and the conceptual framework of global citizenship education in Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a literature study method carried out through several stages ranging from collecting, analyzing, to interpreting data from various written sources, such as books, journal articles, research reports, and other documents. Global insight includes not only knowledge of international events, but also an in-depth understanding of how those events are interrelated and impact everyday life in different parts of the world. In this era, young people must be able to think critically and be adaptive to global changes, as well as have high social awareness to be able to contribute positively in a global society. Global awareness includes cultural awareness, interconnectivity, global identity, social responsibility and critical thinking skills. All these dimensions aim to equip youth with the necessary skills to participate in a global society and deal with international issues. In the Indonesian curriculum, global citizenship education needs to be integrated with relevant approaches through thematic learning, collaborative projects, and the use of technology, aligned with the standards set by UNESCO to encourage awareness and active participation in global issues. This approach includes a number of key elements designed to improve learners' understanding, skills and attitudes in an interconnected global context.</p> Aryanti Dwi Untari, Zaky Farid Luthfi, Ika Murtiningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 08 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Peran PERAN DINAS SOSIAL KABUPATEN PANDEGLANG DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI PKH (PROGRAM KELUARGA HARAPAN) DI KELURAHAN KADUMERAK TAHUN 2022 <p><em>Overty is a phenomenon and social problem and it is continuously studied and concern to the central government and regional governments. This study aims to find out the activities of the Pandeglang Regency Social Service in community empowerment through PKH (Program Keluarga Harapan) and to find out what efforts have been made by the Pandeglang Regency Social Service through PKH (Program Keluarga Harapan) in Kadumerak Village in 2022. Research methods used is a qualitative descriptive research method. The source of data in this qualitative research is to dig up information directly from sources of information that are considered related to community empowerment through PKH (Program keluarga harapan) in Kadumerak Village in 2022. As for the informant in this study is the Head of Social Protection and Security, Head of Social Welfare Section, PKH Facilitator, and KPM PKH Participant. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of PKH and the role of the Pandeglang District Social Service through PKH (Family Hope Program) in Kadumerak Village in 2022 is in accordance with its objectives, namely to provide health services, education and improve social welfare to very poor groups of people. The Pandeglang district social service experienced several obstacles, including data that was out of sync between KPM PKH participants and the original situation on the ground, and the length of time for updating data made it difficult for the Pandeglang District Social Service to enter data on new PKH participant candidates. Then there is a lack of public understanding regarding the PKH program. The efforts of the Pandeglang Regency Social Service in empowering the community through PKH (Family Hope Program) in 2022 are to improve the quality of information center services regarding PKH complaints and socialization by taking an outreach approach with the community regarding PKH (Family Hope Program).</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Role of Social Services, Community Empowerment, Family Hope Program.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Ade Millatus Sa'adiyyah, Nina Mulyasari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 08 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERAN UNIT PELAYANAN TERPADU PUSAT PELAYANAN TERPADU PEMBERDAYAAN PEREMPUAN DAN ANAK (UPT P2TP2A) DALAM MENDAMPINGI ANAK KORBAN KEKERASAN SEKSUAL <p><em>T</em><em>he&nbsp; &nbsp;Integrated&nbsp;&nbsp; Service&nbsp; &nbsp;Unit&nbsp; &nbsp;of&nbsp;&nbsp; the&nbsp; &nbsp;Integrated&nbsp;&nbsp; Service&nbsp; &nbsp;Center&nbsp;&nbsp; for&nbsp;&nbsp; the Empowerment of Women and Children (UPT P2TP2A) Serang Regency is an institution under the auspices of the Office of Family Planning for the Empowerment &nbsp;of&nbsp; Women &nbsp;and&nbsp; Children &nbsp;(DKBP3A) &nbsp;Serang&nbsp; Regency. &nbsp;UPT P2TP2A is an institution engaged in the social and legal fields. This study aims to determine the extent of the role of UPT P2TP2A in assisting Children Victims of Sexual Violence in Serang Regency. The method used in this study is a qualitative research in which the results of the findings in this study will be analyzed and described in detail and clearly. Cases of sexual violence against minors are still common in Serang Regency, seen from the data on cases of sexual violence which are increasing every year. To increase legal awareness of the community to be further improved. Extension programs that are considered to be able to prevent an increase in the number of sexual violence against children can be more effective. Basically, the role of UPT P2TP2A Serang Regency is in accordance with regulations on child protection and other implementing regulations. The obstacles that the researchers encountered were human resources, lack of legal education and the lack of parental roles.</em></p> Anton Aulawi, Miratussholihat . ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000