Quality human development depends on government implementation in reducing the Maternal Mortality Rate which often occurs during childbirth. This is based on the mother's ignorance in dealing with the delivery process. Based on data obtained at the East Waru Health Boarding School, there are 7 (70%) pregnant women in the third trimester who do not know about the signs of childbirth. The research was conducted to find out the knowledge of maternity mothers about the signs of childbirth at the East Waru Health Center, Waru Health Center working area in 2013. The study uses a descriptive design. This study has a population of all pregnant women in the late 3rd trimester, in March - May at the East Waru Ponkesdes, namely 30 pregnant women in the 3rd trimester (childbirth), with a non-probabability sampling technique of total sampling type with a sample of 30 respondents. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires. The results of data processing are then described in the form of tables and narrative descriptions. Based on data obtained from 30 respondents who were examined, almost half of them were knowledgeable enough, as many as 13 respondents (44%), almost half were less knowledgeable as many as 10 respondents (33%), and a small part was well knowledged, as many as 7 respondents (23%). Therefore, efforts are needed from health workers in providing information about the signs of childbirth by promoting through counseling to pregnant women the importance of knowing the signs of childbirth so that mothers can immediately anticipate when they start labor.
Keywords: Knowledge, signs of childbirth
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